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i feel bad for everyone who's dreams did not align with reality, and who are now living something of a fantasy because they are in denial. i think that whole question "what do you wanna do when you grow up" that every adult asks us isn't asked out of genuine curiosity, but maybe a selfish desire to push that youth towards making something of themselves in this stupid, crumpling society. we always have to respond in kind with what they want to hear because we crave their validation, but it creates an expectation for us just because we said it that we might end up carrying with our entire lives. it's why i think people end up in unsatisfying lives. they think that if they just got to a certain point in life doing something inoffensive that they enjoy, because their parents instilled in them that they have to do something with their lives, they think that will be a happiness to sustain them till their death, but it's always fading. you must seize your happiness when it's there, and it's not always going to be in the same spot because you change and the world around you changes.