>>192750398In the balkans some of us have this saying that 'the 90's never ended', which means; war, economic recession and financial collapse, political corruption and decay, social and cultural decay and general existential crisis... and by that logic, realy 'the 90's never ended', globaly
Its a sort of parody of that old fukuyama bullshit
Or how my dad says it; i dont know why everiones complaining about 'kriza', i havent lived 5 years of my life outside somekind of 'kriza'
Theres difference now, tho
Back in the 90's there was war, no one did a fuck about it, but the 'international community' expressed concern and signaled they are appaled by it and oh how horrid it is and such and so on, not that anyone realy did a fuck about it, but it was still seen as a excess, a break with normality, a 'thing that should not be'
Then the bush wars happened, and from then on war is normalised, from iraq to siria to libia to ukraine and back again, it just became normal, year after year
The war in ukraina started in 2014, when did you even hear about it?
A doctrine was developed, what you could call 'longterm sustainable conflict' so you can just have a war the way you maintain a camp fire, just throw some more at it every few months itl burn
But they are making too many camp fires, it seems to be a tactic, nato used it and now russians and chinese and such are using it against nato, americans developed that strategy thinking no one on the planet is stronger than them, now it turns out if you start more than two conventional wars at the same time the ammo starts running out in 6 months
So the wars will continue, and multiply, and spread, cause they found a way to fuck with nato, the scale is shifting
'Pax American' is over
This will finsly end the 'eternal 90's', as this will not end in de-escalation, it will fling so much shit at the proverbial fan, the fan will explode
Take care of those you love
And if you see flash, duck and fucking cover
Take care of those you love