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ID:mEcDv6j6 No.19446243 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>transbian boymoder loser, twenny
i miss omegle because it made begging for attention so easily
there were like tens of other no-life loser (else they wouldn't be on omegle) trannies on at any given time

i could just post my stupid opener where i beg for attention and let them react and then play off of that
that or we would share tags and the conversation could be structured around that

i post in every single frengen thread, but it feels like people don't even read my posts because they dm me and are just like "hi hru"
and then they proceed to not engage with any of the interests listed at all and instead lead the most boring conversation in existence

i come to 4chan because i want mentally ill tranners with no filter who like lame loser things like vidya and anime
not well-adjusted people with a job who are the boring kind of socially inept (where they don't open up at all)

i think the site both being anonymous while also incentivizing quick, burst responses helped alot when it came to opening up

whereas people add me on discord and are all weird and cagey n lame, and people just don't talk to me here because it's not really structured around actual conversations

like half my current friend group (still lonely i dont have enough friends) is together bc of omegle

i just want attention
i literally need attention like 24/7 or i will spiral and want to rope (have been told this is bpd)