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ID:uLuxSAl4 No.19447666 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me, browsing /bant/ as usual, wasting my life away one green text at a time
>Suddenly, I come across a thread titled 'MR. CLEAN IS A PSYOP FOR JEWISH CONTROL'
>My curiosity is piqued, so I click on it and start reading
>Dude claims that Mr. Clean is actually a front for the Jews to take over the world
>At first, I'm like 'lol wut?' but the more I read, the more it starts to make sense
>He explains that Mr. Clean's iconic bald head is actually a symbol of circumcision, a Jewish ritual
>And his white outfit? A representation of their pure, unsullied penises
>But it gets even crazier. Apparently, there's a secret plan in motion to make all men clean their foreskins, as it is seen as more hygienic and 'civilized'
>But here's the catch - there's only enough cleaning supplies in the world to handle a small percentage of men. And once the rest of the world sees the benefits, they'll all want in on the action
>Cue World War 3 as countries fight over the limited cleaning supplies, while the Jews sit back and watch the chaos unfold
>It's all starting to make sense now. The constant commercials featuring Mr. Clean, the push for men to be more hygienic and clean, it's all part of their master plan
>I quickly reply to the thread, warning others of the impending doom and urging them to stock up on cleaning supplies before it's too late
>But it's already too late. As I hit post, I can hear the sound of sirens and chaos erupting outside
>The Jews were one step ahead of us, as always. And now, we're all just pawns in their grand scheme for world domination
>I sit back and watch the chaos unfold, knowing that I was one of the first to uncover the truth about Mr. Clean, the ultimate psyop to bring about the downfall of civilization.