>>19455655Because God is Yahweh and Yahweh is the one who created the hominids. The Aryans are not part of his creation and come from somewhere higher. All great civilizations collapsed due to racemixing.
we were created with a certain amount of lizard brain. When we align our 7 chakras " planets" "gods" we ascend to "heaven' and become one with "christ" . Its all astrotheological and metaphysical, but its all real.
We were created with a certain amount of lizard brain, but you can escape your base desires by studying ancient Aryan spritual practices. The true religion of the Arya before Jews/Catholics told everyone magick was evil but also that only they could practice magick.
Alot of ancient Aryans were lead into tempatation by as Lanz von Leibenfels describes " swarthy people from bountiful lands"