>>1947569was taking a while to make this but here is the TL;DR version of it.
It was originally meant to be an extension to /pol/ (which it technically still is) but off topic and with no rules with the exception of porn dumps. Occasionally /pol/ threads will be dumped here as well.
/pol/ at the time was experiencing an overflow of shitposts and banter, to a point where the mods couldn't handle it. Because they wanted /pol/ to be a place of political discussion and not shitposts and banter they decided to give it it's own board instead of banning the individuals.
A temporary thread on /pol/ was made to name the board and while the popular consensus wanted to name it /kek/ it was instead named /bant/ as it was rebooted version of /b/ but with /int/ pasted on it.
Upon it's inception it was very popular in the first week but spiraled out of control and eventually people left as the board was extremely chaotic. It cooled down though and a society was eventually built from the chaotic foundations leading to the figureheads of the board you see today.
After a while it has slowed down and has become an easier to digest board as such, but sadly for some it has strayed and is starting to or has already become just another version of /s4s/.
Where it is headed in the future is uncertain, but everyone here is convinced it will probably be deleted as it's purpose was very temporary and was only meant as an excess floodpool for /pol/.