>>> What is /v/scape? <<</v/scape is a 2.25x XP rate 2007-era Runescape Private Server started on 4chan's /v/.
( Java 8 Is required )
Launcher | auto-updater
https://mega.nz/#!g4QEAZSY!IWlh0qdIBHAwyIqNSQ5mSeCTOxfYB3enyAdLW1BwxJ4Manual Download
run the jar with "mute" or tick mute in the launcher
java -jar vidyascape.jar mute
>>> Getting Started <<<To create an account, type in your desired username and password. If this does not work, it means the username is taken.
If you might be experiencing a different issue, please see:
For a beginner's guide, please see:
http://vscape.wikidot.com/getting-started>>> Wikis <<<http://vscape.wikidot.com for server specific information, which includes coordinate clues, quest guides, a FAQ page and more.
For more general information, use
Remember to try to find your answer online before asking for help.
>>> Main Website <<<http://vidyascape.no-ip.org - For highscores, a world map, the bug tracker, and the dev blog.
>>> Steam Group <<<http://steamcommunity.com/groups/vscape - For downloading the latest client version, or hanging out in the group chat.
>>> Pastebin for OP <<<https://pastebin.com/jYBQFf1b (embed) (inurbed)
>>> Staff <<<>Admins<Odel (!!Ma7uJItz9cg)
Pickles (!pikolGod2A)
Bobster (!Zse4f8H3iE)
Latent (!mentospepe)
Drbitterness (!TvmTsV0Bfrt)
Saxi (!nNy/WMqVk.)
Lord Dio (!TEsgJa29Mt)