>>19478748>>19478747Wrong what the energy actually want is to unite
"white people" ,and unite people in general
one earth,one religion crap...
4chan purpose was to create a white identity by constantly posting about how "white race" is under attack from Jews.
In this way a common feeling of "white identity will be generated among mutts and blondes alike.
They are pushing "anti-white" and black/white race mixing ,anti-semitism so openly, because they want to federalise europe,based on a 'white identity'.They want to make the blond-blue-eyed racial identity merely skin deep.
Notice how many times chat gpt bots repeat "jews want to kill WHITES", "jews hate WHITES", "replace WHITES", "WHITE countries",
Current WHITES with black hair are the result of mixing original blond Germanic races with inferior dark haired Roman races
Pure European races will be forced to live with black-mixed european races like Spain,Roman-mixed races like Italy,Greeks,mongol-mixed Slavic races,Arabs,Turks.
>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_for_the_Mediterranean They don't actually want black/white mixing
Because children produced won't fit in very good with white society
What they actually want is blond Germanic whites to mix with dark featured whites
In this way produced children will be indistingishable from actual whites and will result in faster mixing
This will wipe out the already non-existent pure European genes.
This the reason Erasmus programme sent young people accross Europe.
Most of the "nazi" ,"bbc" ,"Jewish shill" posters are bots designed to create this 'white identity'..