>>19509395>842 pounds of verified moon rocks of varieties and sizes that could not have been collected by robotics of the time period>laser retroreflectors>nearly 16,000 photographs on film two decades before cgi existed>https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/albums>every major nation and most HAMs could triangulate the signal and prove it was coming from the moonIt was real. We went. Deal with it.
>muh one fake moon rock!!!One person lying or losing a rock to a thief does not invalidate 842 pounds of rocks authenticated by chemists and geologists from all over the world.
>muh laser bounces off the moon!!!Yes but you cannot get the wavelength returned by the mirrors off the lunar surface for the same reason you don't see your reflection in sand. Mirrors are provably up there.
>muh hollywood fx! muh kubrick!!!Hollywood effects from the time period, including 2001, look like absolute shit compared to the Apollo film archive.
>muh shadows! muh sun looks like a spotlight!Anytime anyone has honestly tried simulating a photograph they find the shadows are correct. And yes, with zero atmosphere and the blackness of space as a backdrop the sun WILL illuminate things like a spotlight.
>muh lost tapes! muh lost evidence!It is a moonie lie that "all evidence was lost." One set of tapes from Apollo 11 were lost. All the tapes from all the other missions exist. All the film from all missions exists. The 6x6 film is far, far, FAR higher resolution than analog video of the time, and is far better evidence that Apollo 11 was real.
>muh van allen belts! muh rads! muh temperatures! it couldn't be done!Moonies have the same problem that flerfs do in that they NEVER do any research and NEVER speak in mathematics. They speak in dramatic, emotional rhetoric only. If you actually research the specifics and do the math, you find none of it was impossible.