hitler on the accusation of germanic tribes being primitive in antiquity while the mediterranean civilizations were flourishing high cultures:
'This capacity is always there, though it will lie dormant unless external circumstances awaken it to action. Nations, or rather races, which are endowed with the faculty of cultural creativeness possess this faculty ina latent form during periods when external circumstances are unfavourable for the time being. They therefore do not allow the faculty to express itself effectively.
It is, therefore, outrageously unjust to speak of the pre-Christian Germans as uncivilised barbarians, for such they never were.
But the severity of the climate that prevailed in the northern regions which they inhabited, imposed conditions of life which hampered a free development of their creative faculties.
If they had come to the fairer climate of the South, with no previous culture whatsoever, and if they had acquired the necessary human material— that 1s to say, men of an inferior race—to serve them as tools in performing necessary labours, the cultural faculty dormant in them would have blossomed forth in splendour as happened in the case of the Greeks, for example.'
Mein Kampf Stalag Edition
by Adolf Hilter