All memes and trolls aside, the more you read about science and mathematics, the more you realize that all of it doesn't add up. You just get a sense that there are some major important things they aren't telling you.
I'm not sold on flat earth yet, but Newtonian physics is almost certainly incorrect, and will most likely be outed as such.
If you look at the history of science, it was all just fatasses doing math in armchairs. They believed in the rational view that true truth can only be achieved from the mind and we cannot trust our senses.
The Greeks never ran an experiment. Newton never ran an experiment. Mainstream science says physics began with Newton, but I am more extreme and I'm convinced it didn't begin until Faraday and Maxwell. Faraday was the first major scientist to consider basing his scientific research on actual experimentation and hard data. There were some anomalous scientists in the past who were hands-on, like Huygens, but even they had a mathematical basis for their work.
In the 1800s we were probably only a generation or two away from free energy, due to the genius of men like Maxwell, Kelvin, Helmholtz, Gibbs, Hertz and of course Tesla. So the Jews kvetched and gave you (((relativity))), because the physical explanation for the universe that "It's just electricity" is too beautiful and pure, so they had to jew it up.