Jews are bringing up throttle telling White men to go back to church and be what you were when you supported Judiaism. Don't digress to being members of your race, against the Arab sons of Cain who's first pledge of allegiance is to baby dick sucking arabs from southeast Syria-Palestina.
No, I don't think I will, Arab. I think your employer is a rogue Semitic insurgency who's employer runs a dictatorship over my land, hyper-inflates my currency to keep me poor, and wishes the destruction of the white Goyim Gentile race and takes steps toward these aims using the full power of the State and Federal american government, making you and your employer a Traitor to America. Expulsion being the natural response for such a development. What the FBI and CIA are supposed to be doing, if their entire command structure was not replaced with 100% Jews. You are shapeshifting Arab Terrorists, and your name is Judah, son of Abraham, bringer of death and suffering to all men and all life.