Oíche mhaith.
Apologies I can't reply to you Prinz. Perhaps we can continue this discussion tomorrow or another day, I would certainly like to.
>>1956358>Trump presidency hasn't been bad for us either yetWell apart from the climate accord. That is pretty bad is it not? So many diverse countries can agree on something but the poor old US of A is being bullied and made to do more than it's fair share (because they are bigger pollluters per person than most countries, even developed ones).
But as I said look at the aims and campaign promises of each candidate. I beieve Clinton would have been more of the same, which would have been fine for us but Trump could result in us losing some companies. May be very unlikely but it is still a goal of his.
Simply put he is more of a traditional nationalist than Clinton, and nationalists don't tend to be very good for many nations outside of their own country.
>Hard to sayDo you think income inequality would be reduced more under a Democratic government or a Republican one led by a millionaire/billionaire? I don't and statistics for past Republican administrations certainly wouldn't support the theory.
>Obamacare is a very complex issueThat's fair enough. I just don't believe the Republicans have the best interests of the majority of people in mind when it comes to healthcare.
The Democrats ambition certainly aligns more with our goals for healthcare here in Europe, I'm sure you would agree?
>Give Hillary 4 years in office after Trump and then we'll compareIn the meantime we'll just have to compare him to past Presidents. And in contrast to them he is a laughing stock.