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Like, seriously dude? Andy Sixx log of shit? More like, "lol mom look i made my first shitpost XD!" This isn't /b/, we're not that new kid who doesn't know any better. We're not a bunch of lonely faggots looking to jerk off together to tranny porn. You're dealing with shitpost veterans here and you are effectively pissing in an ocean of piss. Your shitlog "maymay" doesn't make us enter a fit of "FORCED MEME GRRR" rage. We recognize it's a shitpost, but we also recognize it's a lazy shitpost. That's because you are a follower, you can't create your own shitposts. You need to follow the example of someone who came before you, you need to take advantage of a shitpost you know has been a successful shitpost. You are a shitposting maggot on this board, and that is the only reason why we condemn your presence. Shitposting is a art and you'll never make it into the school at this rate.
Welcome to bootcamp, grow up.