>>19582412It looks like he has some horrible Warhammer infestation of Nurgal’s pubes growing behind his face.
These people are nuts.
Add to them poo’s, chinks, ‘trannies’ (lunatics), and perverts/pedo’s and you have a nuisance group of obsessive idiots who seek out and forcefully insert themselves into any conversation or situation you might be in, to tell you
>A) “I like not knowing about this thing you are trying to discuss”.Great
>B) stop forcing me to know things I don’t want to know, can’t you leave me alone. And they proceed to refuse to leave you alone.
Several times here on this board recently i’ve asked why they don’t just fuck off to another thread since they have nothing clever to say, they can’t explain themselves. Or leave.
They seem to have a needful motivation telling them that you MUST block out the the things they are blocking out.
And hypocrisy seems to be a blind spot for the botherers.
>Attention All AtheistsAmazingly both you and your opinion is of absolutely no interest to me. Nobody needs to hear the nothing that you have to say. So please, stop bothering people with it. We all considered you position, those of us with more wisdom saw how childish it was by age 12 and we moved on. Please stop inserting yourself into subjects you simply wish nobody else to discuss for reasons you cannot explain.