>>19584969That's why jews hate christ. Christ is a western civilization concept. Christ cares about human values, the concept of Christ puts the human above "money". Christianism says "Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself", "God is love" and "God is in the heart of every men". These are philosophical concepts build by the western civilization. The Christ concept is not to be taken as "material history" but as an spiritual learning tool for nations, to learn about sacrifice, good and evil, what a moral compass is, what a life's goal should be, how to live as a righteous man. And how to die with dignity and how to sacrifice for the greater good. How to teach your sons to share food on the table and to take care of each other. That's Christianism.
And kikes HATE christianism, they hate the fact that "their" tale of "exceptional chosen people" got subverted by the values of the white western civilization. We put man and humanism above satan, war, money, domination and ritualistic pacts. Christ is an advocate for human nature, and he teaches us to love and respect each other. That INFURIATES the satanic jews, they absolutely hate that. Because they hate the man and human values.