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No.19617752 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Zoomers on twitter:
>Free Palestine!
Zoomers on tik tok:
>Free Palestine!
Zoomers on reddit:
>Free Palestine!
Zoomers on other 4chan boards:
>Bro, I just really hate Jews
Zoomers on /lgbt/, for some reason:
>Fuck Palestine! Israel is heckin based and should kill everyone in Gaza! That’s what they get for being homophobic!

Fuck all you Zionists ruining this board with your boomer-tier opinions. I don’t give a fuck what the average Palestinian thinks of trannies. We need to stand in solidarity with all oppressed people, be they gay or Palestinian or both. Zionist jannies are probably gonna remove this post as “off-topic” and ban me despite never doing the same for pro-Israel shills on this board.