>>19634830Agency is not the same as free will.
Free will is about causality.
Agency is about choice.
Also your agency is always limited.
You have some choices available to you and some not, if only because of your level of awareness.
For example right now you have the choice to levitate an object on your desk or whatever, an object that is near you.
But you don't have the awareness of how telekinesis works, so effectively that is not really a choice for you.
You have the choice to reach out and grab an object near you, but you don't have the choice to reach out and grab an object on the moon, it's too far from you in time and space, and inaccessible to you.
You have the choice right now to speak in English or any other language; but not really because you haven't imprinted other languages into your mind and you don't understand mediumship.
You have a choice to go to the gym and lift weights of various weight but only to the extent your muscles are developed.
Your agency is very limited by your personal being and its capacities. Furthermore your agency may expand in certain ways at a certain times in life, but in other ways it will contract. You may become old and feeble, and have even less choices of weights to lift at the gym, being constrained to the lighter weights only. You also may be bludgeoned over the head and lose many intellectual capacities.
You feel like you have a high degree of agency only because you don't consider all the options not available to you, all the choices not allowed to be made. Imagine you were just some very simple particle that really had only a binary choice of say facing up or facing down, you can imagine it in an asbtract way as two doors. All you can do is open one door, or the other. The doors don't lead anywhere, you don't have food, you don't have much of a body, you don't have an interesting life at all. That's the life of a particle. Man is just a more developed form of life like the particle (see: Vril).