Women are terrible and dick makes me horny
but seriously I'm bisexual and I have had relationships with men and women. In high school i messed around with both but got into a relationship with a girl
1. 16 to 20 on and off again with a girl
2. 21 to 23 with a girl
3. 23 to now (28) with a man
Summary of being with women: Exhausting, mentally draining, a constant fight to make them understand that they cannot simultaneously demand I be their parent without also treating them like a child
One fun memory of girlfriend #2 : Explaining to her that the apartment she wanted us to move into for my final year of college, her second year of college, had a whole fucking extra bedroom, and that was driving the price about 500-700 dollars a month higher than comparable apartments...she wanted us to have an extra room on the off chance people would stay over sometimes.. like yea no shit people are gonna stay over, our dorms were a revolving door scenario because we were in greek life. Our friends will be fine either sharing our beds or on the couch. we ended up not moving in together over this because I was put off by how stupid she was on this subject, and thank god i didnt because we broke up later that year.
Summary of being with a man: I am dating my best friend.
We are monogamous, not lib freaks, both physically fit, both into the same hobbies/shows/books, our sex drives match, he has interesting things to talk to me about, we share the same political views.. it just feels so much better and more fulfilling than being with women has ever felt, and NO i don't think it's because I'm just gay and in denial, I think women rn just are not raised to be good/sane people in general. There is very little impetus for their bad behavior to be corrected in a world where men are a dime a dozen.
inb4 hurr shit dick/aids
You don't get aids if you aren't a slut guzzling cum in gas station gloryholes, and shit dick only happens to fatties with bad diet