eating a several persons a day is too daemon >:V
they'd find out immediately ARGH!!!!
um... lets see, the rate at which I could eat 4 peoplerino at once in a day every...
Lets say every 2 weeks... thats prolific, but isnt like too crazy
Doesnt gang/drug wars claim like an absurd amount of lives? thats still its own category. So nothing out of the usual
prioritizing gangsters is out of the question.
chaos is fun, I dont wanna le help make the place less crime ridden. if anything...
plus ontop of being chaotic, they are chromed out. Metal is not meat. Waste of time, intestines are NOT edible.
oh yeah just le scrape off le ab muscle, and eat le diaphragm. Waste of my time. Rather find a candidate with leg and arm muscle.
I take the lion share, I dont naw on bones for its marrow like a dog
lets see
"cyberpunk 2077 night city's biggest serial killer"