>>19640608you will always be russian
you live in russia, you speak russian, you have russian accent, you have russian ancestry, you look slav, even if you move you will always be seen as an outsider, you will subconsciously uphold russian traditions and culture you cannot change your upbringing no matter how much self loathing and hate for your motherland you inflict you will never be born again in west
my english is infinitely better than yours and you will never match me
i am born to western soil and nothing will change this fact
you are born to eastern soil and nothing will change this fact
you will always be loathed by us solely for your ancestry
we in western world choose to learn as leisure, russoid mind cannot fathom the idea of a hobby, russoid has to be told what to do and fill 100% of russoids time with prearranged activities by either state or his environment, russoid cannot understand "fun", russoid cannot think for russoid, russoid will always be a russoid slave to zeitgeist and government, no sense of individuality, no idea of free time, everything revolves around survival and wasting time for russoid
the world is survival for russoid, civilization is a foreign concept, it's either join our group or die, no sense of individuality
you will never be a westerner
you will always be eastern muttoid
you will never understand western culture
you will always be caged by russoid mentality
nothing you will ever say reaches ears on olimp, you will always be subhuman trash, governed and controlled never free