>>19650288Yellow fever is the correct instinctual acknowledgement that whites are destructively empathetic towards sub-humans and that Japanese industrialistic racism is a critically necessary step for our evolution as whites.
It is critical that we eliminate the weakness of naive empathy in the white race via the addition of japanese female breeding to instill cold calculation into our survival.
White people are not the master race.
But they will be.
With east-asian non-chinese DNA.
The proof is in how the purest rural traditionalist Japanese live. That is as fucking white as it gets and we need those people interbred with ours as soon as possible because whites have proven they are too fucking pathetic as they are to protect their children.
Anyone saying otherwise is a kike that is fearful of the true master race taking their throne.
I denounce the Talmud and reject the nation of Israel. Yellow fever is the white man's natural biology in cultivating strength from a stagnant white gene pool filled with cowards and cattle.