>>19679994They're retarded whales who help, follow, pay attention to, and fund talentless hacks because they have nothing else going on in their lives. 4chan only liked Sam Hyde because he was le hecking based but now Sam has realized he can't be a racist and make money so he has toned it down. Now he just does the whole "you have no real dad so I'm gonna give you basic advice on the internet" or makes these god awful low effort reality TV shows. I mean really, it's so weird that these 4chan incel basement dwelling faggots have become obsessed with what amounts to little more than big brother. Also sam hyde has totally compromised on his morals and alienated anyone who aligned with his political beliefs by aligning himself with wingers, drug addicts, and tranny chasers (jet neptroon)
Instead of talking about anything actually interesting they come here and have catty retard conversations like a bunch of stupid women about insular e-drama bullshit about literal whos