they grow up in their respective favelas being the palest and celebrating their 'whiteness', then they come to 4chan and realize they're seen as filthy brown subhumans. chicanos especially don't want to be seen as opportunistic w*tbacks. so they adopt the same compensation mechanisms
>buttering up white nationalist asses
>barking like dogs against muslims, blacks, other browns when whitey is there
>trying to shoehorn themselves into aryan status, muh nazi fugitives
>bickering amongst themselves based on colorism
>adopting 4chan personas and subcultures unironically
>spamming the few nonfat nonmongrel latinas as a proxy for whitey acceptance
>muh food, muh phull sapport for conservatives in the US
>shutting down any thread against latino migration in seconds
>denigrating spaniards racially to feel less insecure towards them
and so forth, pathetic people with no dignity. theres your answer, OP