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629KiB, 965x1207, 1-short-platinum-blonde-haircut-CcQg0gFMAjb_jpg.jpg
Quoted By: >>19749811 >>19749812 >>19749813 >>19749815 >>19749817 >>19749818 >>19749819 >>19749821 >>19749823 >>19749828 >>19749830 >>19749831 >>19749833 >>19749839 >>19749840 >>19749845 >>19749849 >>19749852
I just saw my "feminist" ex with this new dogshit haircut. Also some other girl I'm fucking(acts feminist in her friend's presence) when I'm feeling down got recently that haircut. What's the deal with it? She's the most submissive bitch on planet, she'd suck your dick and let you beat her to death. After we broke up she found some total beta male yes man and cut her hair like this. Is this supposed to be a symbol of masculinity or something? Or are they trying to portray that they are the men now? Who are they trying to fool exactly? If I call her right now and tell her to come here and suck my dick and give me all her money she will do it