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Girlfriend talking to other guys at a bar

No.19780868 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I went to this trashy dive bar with my girlfriend because we wanted to makeout on the dance floor.

We get there and I buy us drinks and grab her hand to lead her to the dance floor and she says “I wanna go talk to that guy over there” and looks at some guy across the bar who honestly looked sketchy and not safe.

I kinda freaked out and said “yeah, no I don’t want you to do that” and it led to a big argument because while I was trying to be protective of her, she said I was being too needy and possessive cause she should be free to talk to whoever she wants to.

I said I don’t know what that guys intentions are. Maybe he will try to flirt with her. But she said that’s not a problem because she is totally capable of fending off men’s advances.