>>19786067Don't behave like a naive defenseless sheep. He's mocking you. Jews HATE Christianism, because this is the faith of CHRIST. The Christ that represent the values of WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Humanity, sacrifice, courage, caring for our brothers and sisters. Jews HATE, and STEAL. That's THEIR reaigion, and GOLD, SILVER, DIAMONDS and RUBIES are their GODS. That's why they use them as names: Goldstein, Silverstein, Rubynstein, Diamond.
They came out with the protestant shit to destroy Christianity. They came out with the occult shit and satanic bullshit to derail our youth into darkness and in-humanity.
Don't ask them "why", you FIGHT THEM BACK. You will expose them, call their bullshit POINT BLANK. You're a crusader of your faith.
Use the name of Christ always, they hate that name as much as they fear it. They will get into a frenzy, insulting Christ, mocking him, they go insane, with out realizing that they are exposing themselves. Wich is beautiful, and goes to show the power of the name of Christ. Is like showing a Christian cross to a vampire.