>>19802821Jesus was appointed head priest of Israel by the messiah king, his father, and priest-king of Judea and the exiled Israelites by the Pharaoh, his mother, because the Israelites were always vassals of Egypt.
The Herods opposed his appointment as priestking of Judea because they wanted sole power over Judea - plus they were anti-ptolemaic.
Jesus decided on his own that Judea didn't deserve a priest-king (they killed John the baptist, the previous head priest of the Oannes cult, which Jesus was appointed to be the heir of) and instead sent his disciples to find the exiled israelites instead.
The Norse became part of this early Oannes cult nearly unbeknownst to them, because Wotanaz is how his name was written to them in their language,- the waterbird man. His Osirian trinity replaced the older trinity of Tyr/Hønir/Ægir, which also included the arrival of the male Njordr, their own version of Nephtys/Neith.
Romaboos and chuddies love to hate on the norse-christian connection, because they are the cumsocks of the pope and his herod-loving senator heritage