>>19808993I wasn't the one that created the Godly Quads Kike Shill Test. I simply witnessed it in that original thread, and saw its glory. I also saw all the ways that the small percentage that actually tried to post content to deflect, tried to find loopholes just like kikes try to do with god.
Which that original anon picked up on real quick in that original thread. Not allowing memes, quotes from the bible, AI art, anything that's able to be discredited as antisemitic and disregarded off platform, etc.
Things like anti-zionism doesn't work, since wokees, zoomer and orthodox kikes are all anti-zionism. So, you have tons of kikes that are anti-pissrael. Lots of redpills about jews that make us seethe are also things that they boast about in kike mags, so they don't care about posting shit- like gay rights, tranny rights, ponography, black rights, mass migration, etc.
It's gotta be content that by itself with nothing added- no extra text, that if posted off platform would be a problem for kikes. Which is why things that are automatically discredited as antisemitic don't count, since it'll either be shadowbanned, banned, or simply ignored for being anti-semitic.
>So, there's very strict rules for what applies. Since kikes constantly try to find loopholes, just as they unironically try to find loopholes with god. THERE'S ALSO BEEN 17 X 1PBTID POSTS TO FLOOD OUT MY 4CHANX & OTHER REDPILL CONTENT.
>Only 1 x 3pbtid, only 1 x 2pbtid + a memefag....in that same clusterPissraeli shills are definitely trying to flood out certain posts. Don't worry, I have more