>>19847017>You're referring to a brutal history between whites and jewsWrong you lying kike. There has been greater per-capita conflict between whites and jews after Christianity existed. This proves Christianity is the more significant factor.
>It was only by ignoring Christianity that whites have been able to fight backBWHAHAHA!!!!
You are such a lying little kike
Pagans didn't care to enforce Hadrians bans on jews the moment he died pic related (immediately after the Bar Kocbha revolt so jew violence and treachery was fresh in everyone's mind, they still didn't care). The first Christian emperor immediately brought the ban back just because he realized jews are bad. It's an undeniable historical fact that given the same circumstances Christians treat jews worse.
>100% christians can't even fight warsHow can you be this much of a lying little kike?
A very very significant fraction of wars throughout history have been Christians. Usually you kike rats love talking about Christian wars against pagans. Unbelievable.
>Whites thrive despite Christianity, not because ot itWe provably thrive more with Christianity. Of the two major white pagan socities in history, Greece and Rome, Greece fell with zero influence from Christianity, so you can't blame Christianity for allegedly destroying Rome when we have proof pagan societies collapse by default.
>We would be better served to drop it completelyThe kike exposes itself. Sweden is dropping Christianity faster than any other country and it's going to be the first European country to fall, just like you kikes want.
It's a direct correlation.