>>19847168I also disagree with his Bjerknes stance that christianity was invented by jews to subvert the roman empire.
Modern christianity except for a few sects like christian identity people and a few orthodox groups is totally pozzed and anti-white.
The scripture also has sone poisonous elements to it.
But I think christianity in the past even a hundred years ago was more often a force for good in Europe. Like with the reconquista, the reconquest of Spain and Portugal from the arab and moorish invaders, the conquest of the Americas by the conquistadors, the conquest of North America by english protestants, the defense against the mongols and the ottomans.
European christians used to have a high birth rate and they did many good works of art, music and architecture.
That's why I really dislike Varg for laughing at the destruction of the Notre Dame, one architectural wonder that the french worked for generations on.
Christianity in the past also used to be more folkish and incorporated many things of the pagan past. It also helped the boers in their survival before it become pozzed and it still helps the amish.
The poisonous things of christianity are its pacificistic nature. But I think it's similar to the pacifism of buddhism. I think in both cases it's a case of being the product of a civilizational illness instead of jewish subversion. There is also some kind of civic nationalism in christianity that I think is the result of the cosmopolitanism of the roman empire.
But I think the concept of christendom was a good thing for Europe, it formed some european identity although it was always weak.
The other poison is the jewishness of the old testament and it praising the jews our biggest enemies. But I think some things in that that are good like the "eye for an eye, teeth for a teeth" quote or the strong focus on patriarchy and its anti-homosexual stance.