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ID:ZrmlbZU4 No.19867179 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Today, on "Shows from your childhood that you enjoyed when you were bluepilled nigger cattle but later realized were subversive anti-white kike nigger loving bullshit", we have: The Simpsons

The little girl for some fucking reason has PhD levels of education and intelligence (she's 8 years old). She plays the saxophone and is really into science and environmentalism and has extreme social awareness, instead of being a stupid useless whore who fucks niggers and manipulates simps like all spoiled western liberal bitches with cucked parents. Makes no sense but who needs to make sense when your goal is to promote absurd feminist narratives that only serve to subvert your nation.

The husband. Probably the most subversive part of the show. He works in a nuclear power plant and yet somehow, he's the stupidest cunt you can even imagine. Why? Doesn't make any sense. Not that anything in this ultrapozzed show makes sense, but this part is particularly insane. You see, the goal of the jews here is to push the idea that white men are a bunch of stupid motherfuckers. But how do you do that when they've literally built the whole fucking country? Well you make a character like Homer and you push the idea that just because someone is a nuclear engineer doesn't mean he deserves respect.

The doctor on the show is a nigger. Because of course he is. He doesn't rape, he doesn't chimp out. Why? Because fuck you goy, that's why. Free speech is not meant to protect you from tyranny, it's meant to allow us to write nonsensical pozzed TV shows that subvert your country.

The neighbor is a Christian and he's also a stupid cuck. Well, this part I actually can't argue with because only a stupid cuck would allow the jews to pollute the minds of their children with this kind of nigger loving bullshit.