[20 / 14 / ?]
Around 1900 BC (the time of Abraham), Canaanites mass emigrate to Egypt and take power as the "Hyksos". But they are evicted in a few centuries by a guy named ThutMOSES, who leads them to Canaan, in the biblical story Moses never goes to Canaan with his people. They become known has the Habiru/Hebrew people. In the Bible Jacob (also known as Israel) stays in Egypt. Egyptian guy named Psuennes tries building a Great Temple to the Thebian triad around the time of Solomon. His successor is named, and I shit you not, Siamun (means “Son of Amun/Sun”). There's more evidence of Hiram I and Psuennes than there is of David or Solomon, even though both of these people would have been contemporary Solomon supposedly built his temple on a threshing floor. In the past threshing floors were not only used for threshing and winnowing, but were also used as solar observatories and for ceremonies which were part of a solar cult.The entrance to the First Temple was oriented towards true east, towards the area of the horizon where the sun rises, this is because it was a temple dedicated to the sun and built by sun worshipers.>...He then brought me into the inner court of the house of the Lord, and there at the entrance to the temple, between the portico and the altar, were about twenty-five men. With their backs toward the temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east, they were bowing down to the sun in the east." - Ezekiel 8:16 Josiah did the major cleanup of the First temmple. In 2 Kings 23:11 we read:>"He (Josiah) removed from the entrance of the Lord'sTemple the horse[solar symbol] statues that the former kings of Judah had dedicated to the sun... He also burned the chariots[kings and gods ride those] dedicated to the sun... The zodiac wheel of Helios, with him in the center, is to be found in a sixth century synagogue (Beth Alpha) aswell as in contemporaneous ones. This sun god only appears in the Holy Land, not in synagogues from Jewish diaspora.
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>pic related: The royal seal of the Kingdom of Judah from the time of the King Hezekiah (739 - 687 BC) bearing the symbol of a winged sun and two ankh symbols, which symbolize life. This means that the solar cult was not a minor religious curiosity. It was a state religion whose main temple was the First temple. A state religion supported by at least a significant part of the Judah's population.
https://youtu.be/90kFFUKDmu4?si=62-vsWgF_cUnZwOw Anonymous
Solomon also is Sun, that's why he gets 666 taels of gold per year (astrological number of sun) 666 is sum of all decans in zodiac 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36 = 666 The Testament of Solomon mentions 36 demons, 36x2=72, which is the number of demons in Goetia. The total dimensions of Solomon's Temple, calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height (60 cubits, 20 cubits, and 30 cubits respectively), sum up to 36,000 cubic cubits.
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>>19875961 the ukraine lost
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>666 The Number Of The Beast and its Origin >Before getting into this fascinating topic, it is important to look at the significance of the Babylonians using the sexagesimal (base-60) number system from which comes 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 360 (60×6) degrees in a circle and 60 degrees in each angle of an equilateral triangle etc. 360 divided by 10 = 36 (more on this number soon) and 6 * 6 = 36. It is from this that this mysterious number 666 being the number of the beast came from, which was directly linked with the worship practices of ancient Babylon from around the time of Daniel. See also Daniel 3:1. > The Babylonians worshiped gods that were associated with the sun, moon, planets and stars involved with astrology. Babylonians were also the principle developers of astrology as we know it today and it is because of this that the pagan priests wore amulets called “Sigilla Solis” or “Sun Seal” which symbolized 36 constellations. See also
>The Origin of 666 >in this system of worship, they had 36 supreme gods, which included the sun god, which they believed to be the father of all the other gods and so was supreme over all. The Babylonians believed that numbers had power over their gods they worshiped so they assigned numbers to their gods so that they could have power over them. They did this by counting their gods and assigning a consecutive number to each of the 36 lesser supreme gods, and then added up these numbers (from 1 to 36) and assigned the sum to the sun god. The sun god was assigned number 1 as it was the father of all gods and thus was also the male deity. The moon god was assigned number 2 and of course was the female deity. The gods numbered from 3 through 36 were considered the children of the sun and the moon god, which included the various stars and constellations that these gods were associated with. I am sure that you have already guessed by now that the sum of the numbers from 1 to 36 totals 666, which they also assigned to the god associated with the sun as being the father of all their gods. The calculation is simply this: > 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666 >Scholar and Secret Society expert Murl Vance commented the following in his book “Trail of the Serpent.” >“In the astrological religion of Babylon, every god had his sacred number or numbers which were often used in place of the god's name. These numbers indicated the god's place and power among the astrological gods...
>>19875963 >Solomon also is Sun, that's why he gets 666 taels of gold per year (astrological number of sun) 666 is the astrological number of Saturn, hence why its associated with the devil or Satan. Saturn is Satan.
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>>19875966 >Going deeply back into Babylonian astrology we find the real reason for the sanctity for the number 36. The Babylonians divided each of the 12 houses in the zodiac into three rooms, making 36 in all. They then divided the entire remainder of the sky into 36 constellations, and appointed the ruling god of each constellation to rule over one of the 36 rooms of the zodiac. Since the spirits of the departed were believed to go to and dwell in the stars - a teaching still much alive today, there was therefore not a spirit in the heavens, not a star in the sky which was not represented in the 36 rooms of the zodiac, and to swear by the number 36 was to swear by every god in the heavens above, as well as by all the spirits of the departed. The 36 gods were called decans because each ruled over 10 degrees of the zodiacal circle and over 10 days of the 360-day year >The seven planets or the 7-headed astrological dragon ruled over the 36 decans and over them all, as we have noted, ruled the sun, 'the father of the gods.' It was natural and inevitable that since the summary number of the numbers from 1-36 is 666, this number (called the Grand Number of the Sun), should have been assigned to the sun-god as the cosmic god who not only ruled over all the other gods but also was their heavenly parent. Herein lies the reason for the 'Solar Seals' in use before the time of Christ as amulets to ward off any evil that might come from the 36 decans.” (Vance, pp. 26, 27) Anonymous
>>19875967 Both Herodotus and Lucian claimed to visit the temple of Melqart in Phoenicia and both concluded that there were two different deities called Heracles - one the Olympian and the other "Tyrian Heracles" (which is identified with Chronos/Saturn in the Orphic Hymns). Yahweh's temple was EXPLICITLY modeled after Melqart's temple. Also, the foundation myth of Tyre includes a burning tree that wasn't consumed, with a serpent around its base. Clear biblical parallels. Many many other connections. This is true, because people from Tyre built Solomon's temple. Even the king of Tyre, Hiram is referred to as a "brother" (achi) by David, and Josephus stated that he was of the tribe of Naphtali. Also as I said earlier, both worshipped regional variants Akkadian/Mesopotamian deities (Abraham came from Ur around the same time Akkad controlled Canaan) Also, one weird theory I've heard of was that the Davidic kingdom was actually in south Arabia. You know the South Arabians literally worshipped Mesopotamian gods as well, Shems (Arabic word for sun) is literally Shamash, the Babylonian god of judgement and of the sun.
https://www.theoi.com/Protogenos/Khronos.html >Orphica, Theogonies Fragment 54 (from Damascius) (trans. West) (Greek hymns C3rd - C2nd B.C.): >"Originally there was Hydros (Water), he [Orpheus] says, and Mud, from which Ge (Gaea, the Earth) solidified : he posits these two as first principles, water and earth . . . The one before the two [Thesis, Creation], however, he leaves unexpressed, his very silence being anintimation of its ineffable nature. The third principle [Khronos (Chronos), Time] after the two was engendered by these--Ge (Earth) and Hydros (Water), that is--and was a Serpent (Drakon) with extra heads growing upon it of a bull and a lion, and a god's countenance in the middle; it had wings upon its shoulders, and its name was Khronos (Chronos, Unaging Time) and also Herakles (Heracles) Anonymous
>>19875970 >United with it was Ananke (Inevitability, Compulsion), being of the same nature, or Adrastea, incorporeal, her arms extended throughout the universe and touching its extremities. I think this stands for the third principle, occuping the place of essence, only he [Orpheus] made it bisexual [as Phanes] to symbolize the universal generative cause. And I assume that the theology of the [Orphic] Rhapsodies discarded the two first principles (together with the one before the two, that was left unspoken) [i.e., the Orphics discarded the concepts of Thesis, Khronos and Ananke], and began from this third principle [Phanes] after the two, because this was the first that was expressible and acceptable to human ears. For this is the great Khronos (Unaging Time) that we found in it [the Rhapsodies], the father of Aither (Aether, Light) [upper air] and Khaos (Chaos, the Chasm) [lower air]. Indeed, in this theology too [the Hieronyman Rhapsodies], this Khronos (Time), the serpent has offspring, three in number : moist Aither (Aether, Light)--I quote--, unbounded Khaos (Chaos), and as a third, misty Erebos (Darkness) . . . Among these, he says, Khronos (Chronos, Time) generated an egg--this tradition too making it generated by Khronos, and born ‘among’ these because it is from these that the third Intelligible triad is produced [Protogonos-Phanes]. What is this triad, then? The egg; the dyad of the two natures inside it--male and female--[Ouranos (Uranus) and Gaia (Gaea), Heaven and Earth], and the plurality of the various seeds between; and thirdly an incorporeal god [Phanes] with golden wings on his shoulders, bulls' heads growing upon his flanks, and on his head a monstrous serpent, presenting the appearance of all kinds of animal forms . . . And the third god of the third triad this theology too celebrates as Protogonos (First-Born) [Phanes], and it calls him Zeus the order of all and of the whole world, wherefore he is also called Pan (All) Anonymous
>>19875971 >So much this second genealogy supplies concerning the Intelligible principles." >Orphica, Theogonies Fragment 57 (from Athenogoras): >"The gods, as they [the Greeks] say, did not exist from the beginning, but each of them was born just as we are born . . . and Orpheus--who was the original inventor of the gods' names and recounted their births and said what they have all done, and who enjoys some credit among them as a true theologian, and is generally followed by Homer, above all about the gods--also making their first genesis from water : ‘Okeanos (Oceanus), who is the genesis of the all.’ For Hydros (Water) was according to him the origin of everything, and from Hydros (the Water) mud formed, and from the pair of them a living creature was generated with an extra head growing upon it of a lion, and another of a bull, and in the middle of them a god's countenance; its name was Herakles (Heracles) and Khronos (Chronos, Time). This Herakles generated a huge egg, which, being filled full, by the force of its engenderer was broken in two from friction. Its crown became Ouranos (Uranus, Heaven), and what had sunk downwards, Gaia (Gaea, Earth). There also came forth an incorporeal god [Protogonos-Phanes]." Anonymous
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>kike disinfo thread Anyone who cares knows better, anyone who doesn't, doesn't matter. Truthfully, all you've done is stomp on a bear trap.
I think Moses is Akhenaton and his son Jeshua is Tutankhamon.
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>>19875961 Solomon is a fictional character, he never existed. Almost all of the jew testament is fictional. They’re just jewish fairytales and lies and it’s time for these bullshit stories to be destroyed due to all the damage they’ve caused by retarded idiots who think they’re actual history. They also empower jews and jewish double standards. Solomon never existed
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>>19875974 Israelites were sea people, tutankamuns overturning of akhanatens faggot heresy is why the sea peoples were enslaved in Egypt, having destroyed the hittites and canaanites for being sun worshipper babylonian goyniggers.
Moses's life was after tuts death.
>>19875970 >>19875971 >>19875972 The Greeks identified Orpheus' teacher with Moses.
>Artapanus of Alexandria, in his history of the Jews, went so far as to identify Moses with Tot-Hermes (the Egyptian messenger and scribe of the gods, who invented the letters, the various arts of peace and of war, as well as philosophy), and with the Greek Musaeus, "the teacher of Orpheus." He even ascribed to him the division of the land into its thirty-six districts, with their various forms of worship. As the foster-mother of Moses, Artapanus names Merris, the wife of Chenephres, King of Upper Egypt; being childless, she pretended to have given birth to him and brought him up as her own child.(Eusebius, l.c. ix. 27) >"Jealousy of Moses' excellent qualities induced Chenephres to send him with unskilled troops on a military expedition to Ethiopia, where he won great victories. After having built the city of Hermopolis, he taught the people the value of the ibis as a protection against the serpents, making the bird the sacred guardian spirit of the city; then he introduced circumcision. After his return to Memphis, Moses taught the people the value of oxen for agriculture, and the consecration of the same by Moses gave rise to the cult of Apis. Finally, after having escaped another plot by killing the assailant sent by the king, Moses fled to Arabia, where he married the daughter of Raguel, the ruler of the district >Chenephres in the meantime died from elephantiasis [comp. Ex. R. i. and Targ. Yer. to Ex. ii. 23]—a disease with which he was the first to be afflicted—because he had ordered that the Jews should wear garments that would distinguish them from the Egyptians and thereby expose them to maltreatment [this is characteristic of the age in which it was written] Anonymous
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>>19875977 >Accordingly he went to Egypt to deliberate with his brother Aaron about the plan of warfare, but was put into prison. At night, however, the doors of the prison opened of their own accord, while the guards died or fell asleep. Going to the royal palace and finding the doors open there and the guards sunk in sleep, he went straight to the king, and when scoffingly asked by the latter for the name of the God who sent him, he whispered the Ineffable Name into his ear, whereupon the king became speechless and as one dead. Then Moses wrote the name upon a tablet and sealed it up, and a priest who made sport of it died in convulsions. After this Moses performed all the wonders, striking land and people with plagues until the king let the Jews go. In remembrance of the rod with which Moses performed his miracles every Isis temple in Egypt has preserved a rod—Isis symbolizing the earth which Moses struck with his rod" >The record closes with a description of the personality of Moses: "He was eighty-nine years old when he delivered the Jews; tall and ruddy, with long white hair, and dignified." Anonymous
>>19875974 >Following the expulsion of the Hyksos the New Kingdom was formed beginning with the 18th Dynasty. Eusebius’ table of 18th Dynasty Pharaohs was annotated with the comment that it was around this time that Moshe led the Israelites out of Egypt. The 18th Dynasty covered a considerable length of time, but other writers provided more detailed extracts of Manetho with more precise identification of events. Josephus’ extract names all rulers of the period. As before lists derived from Manetho have become garbled and mis-ordered and we present the names and order from the archaeological record >Ahmose I c. 1550 – 1525 BCE: The brother and successor of Kamose mentioned previously. He defeated the Hyksos beginning a new period in Egyptian history. Manetho knew him as Amos/Amosis and also calls him Tethmosis from his “Nebty name” Tutmesut, telling us that he drove out the Hyksos. (Manetho’s account however tells of Hyksos remaining at Avaris in Goshen and agreeing to leave at the time of Thutmose III, noting that they built Jerusalem and that their sacred writings claim them to have been captives. This is of course a reference to the Jews!) The Sefer Ha-Yashar speaks of all the mighty men and generation that knew Yosef dying and being replaced by a new generation in the days of the Pharaoh after “Magron” (who corresponded to the last Hyksos Pharaoh Khamudi defeated by Ahmose). This was the Pharaoh who did not know Yosef Anonymous
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>>19875979 >Amenhotep I c. 1541 – 1520 BCE: The son of Ahmose I. In extracts of Manetho his name in Greek is Amenophthis/Ammenophis/Amenophis. The Alexandrian historian Artapanus knew him as Palmanothes (his name with the Egyptian definite article pa- added) and tells us that he was cruel to the Jews at the time of his building projects. The Syriac writers knew him as Amonpathis and tell us that it was he who ordered male Jewish infants to be drowned. The Sefer Ha-Yashar speaks of the Pharaoh “Meror” (embitterer) >Aakheperkare Djehutimes (Thutmose) I c. 1520 – 1492 BCE: The son of a common woman presumably by Amenhotep whom he ruled with and succeeded. Ethiopia rebelled against Egypt in his rule and he launched a military campaign against it which continued into the reign of his son. Manetho gives his name as Misaphris a fragment of his birth name and throne name [Djehuti]mes Aakheper[kare] corrupted to Miphres/Mephres whence also Mapros in Syriac. Josephus provides detailed Egyptian accounts of the war with Ethiopia although he refers to him merely as the king. He tells us that this was the Pharaoh whose daughter rescued and adopted Moshe who became a powerful general in his army during the war. Arab tradition remembers him by the garbled name Muzahim, a wealthy commoner whose daughter was the Pharaoh’s wife who rescued and adopted Moshe