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No.19885821 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Guys, listen up. I’m in a group of friends since university (now we all have jobs and pretty good ones as well). Since about 2019 everyone in my group has been turning into a liberal. One is gay and out of the closet since 2014, so he’s out of the question. About the rest: 2 of them moved to Athens (one of the faggiest cities in Europe). First one (Big, athletic, masculine blond guy) just couldn’t get laid, for like 3 years. Slowly he started joining LGBT camping groups, going to drag queen shows, faggot modern art exhibitions etc. You know what he’s doing now? Painting his nails and dating crossdressers/trannies. Second guy (virgin in his 30s) just told us he’s attracted to guy who dresses like an anime girl and wants to bang him (call him HER, as well which caused me to react and argue with him). Third guy met a bisexual liberal fat girl who is pegging him (no joke). Fourth guy is normal in a monogamous relationship since ever and about to get married, but still a centrist who avoids any kind of conflict and lets everything slip like it’s nothing. Guys, srs this is concerning. I’m even thinking to start using condoms with my gf as well so as not to have kids in this disgusting, degenerate environment. This shithole of a country needs to end. This is political since it’s mostly a result of government and corporate propaganda.