>>19886760>Men aren't allowed to express emotions. I am SOOO sick of hearing this.
Men express emotion CONSTANTLY. They just don't cry because testerone hardens the tear ducts and mutes the sobbing response. Women interpret this as no emotion because to women crying IS emotion, that's their whole emotional spectrum. Nothing, and crying.
But when men pick this shit up it's even worse because it shows how completely disconeccted and atomized they are from each other. Men are wired to be extremely sensitive to the emotions of the men around them. Tiny twitches, changes in breathing, a subtle glance, they've all got meaning. This is necessary because men are pack hunters and the success of the individual relies on the success of the group.
When men who don't know each other engage in trade the first thing they do is feel out the emotional state of the other man. Is he impatient, is he tired, is he excited, is he bored. To be a man, even in modern society, is constant emotional communication even with other men.
The only emotion men are not "permitted" to show, is rage, which again is just a product of our evolution to put our bodies into a higher energy state for dealing with significant threats that can't be avoided.
What this bullshit really means that men in emotional crisis are completely ignored. That's not patriarchy. That's entirely women's fault for not tending to the emotional and mental health of men as they should.