>>19904089>>19904105A Prophet is someone who receives revelation from God and is tasked to deliver the message to the people. A Prophet is infallible (either naturally or because God has blessed him to remain sinless), so he is trustworthy in delivering the message and in being an example of how pious, just, kind, etc. we should be.
A Prophet receives a message from God in multiple ways, but always veiled, i.e., he doesn't talk to you, because he doesn't have a voice or vocal cords. The first way for example, for Prophet Mohammed (saws), the verses of the Quran would descend (perhaps from a higher dimension) upon his heart as he was "thirsty for it". Then he simply understands and knows it. The second way is through something like the burning bush for Moses (as). Moses (as) heard A voice from the bush. Christians will say that it was God's voice. The voice (perhaps by God vibrating the bush to make sound) revealed the message Moses. The third is an intermediate messenger, for example Angel Gabriel. He would descend with verses of the Quran or other messages and communicate it to Prophet Mohammed (pbuh).
>>19904091By the logical (and Islamic) definition of God I gave you, your question doesn't logically even make sense. It's like asking me can you chicken a 17. God doesn't have a where or when, photons can't bounce off of him (cause he's not physical) so you can't see him, cause there's nothing to see, cause there's nothing for photons to bounce off of.