[95 / 66 / ?]
/bant/er Games /// HG Thread
>/bant/astic Hunger League
>Winners of 24 games will face each other in one ultimate game
>Whoever wins the aforementioned fest becomes king of /bant/
The winners so far:
>Anime Cat Boi
>The Simon
>Anime Girl With Gun
>Googleplex of Skeleton
>Nameless Ghoul Water
>Kizuna AI
>Big Dig Dawg Junior
>Dr. Pig
>A Cookie
>Roxy Lalonde
>Triple Haetch
>E.P. Requiem
>Gordon Ramsey
>Chris Sale
>/bant/astic Hunger League
>Winners of 24 games will face each other in one ultimate game
>Whoever wins the aforementioned fest becomes king of /bant/
The winners so far:
>Anime Cat Boi
>The Simon
>Anime Girl With Gun
>Googleplex of Skeleton
>Nameless Ghoul Water
>Kizuna AI
>Big Dig Dawg Junior
>Dr. Pig
>A Cookie
>Roxy Lalonde
>Triple Haetch
>E.P. Requiem
>Gordon Ramsey
>Chris Sale