[5 / 3 / ?]
22KiB, 500x471, bd479b913fd094b2d94f13102b38b4cacartooncartoondannyphantom.jpg
>wake up
>there's a flat, scrawny ass grinding on your crotch
>the figure slowly turns around to face you
>see this face
>"Hey big daddy, how's about you shoot a hot ghost load of ectoplasm up my tight, underage, boi pucci? Oh yeah big daddy, make me go ghost~"
wat do
>there's a flat, scrawny ass grinding on your crotch
>the figure slowly turns around to face you
>see this face
>"Hey big daddy, how's about you shoot a hot ghost load of ectoplasm up my tight, underage, boi pucci? Oh yeah big daddy, make me go ghost~"
wat do