>>20003359part 2
>The daily fishe a /bant/ themed newspaper, also meme with an image of sakuya give cirno the fish
>Old school /bant/ tanpicrel. the first incarnation on /bant/-tan
>alsheimersI forgot
>Kot v cirno v frogsa total clusterfuck spamfest. total frog death, with cirno cultists and kotposters sharing the victory
>Nicemarkfagmark before he was bullied and mindbroken
>imptrash stickysomthing about an imptrash get that got sticked by abib to make /bant/ seethe
>cumbenisit was a sacred and highly sort after tripcode, a true status symbol
>pixle io raids/pol/ was having fun drawing swastikas on
pixle.io so /bant/ decided to fuck with them
>dbz kiwi duck rapewe don't talk about that day
>vloggersome faggot tried to promote his shitty youtube vlog on /bant/ to people tried fuck with him by larping as him, often with interesting twist, one or more anons tried to get him to have sex with his own mother
>manxleta very short poster from the isle of mann, had something to do with bantflags, /nap/, and the first /bant/ wiki
>memeboia frogpsting ponynigger
>Ashleyfag public banan underaged avatarfag, faceposter and aspiring gachimuchi star. pretty nice guy too.
>space cowboy hellhoundsomething something had gay sex with normie
>tunisan gibli postera chill guy. I didn't know him very well
>agumon poster bansaw his posts but never interacted with him
>lizardposta nice guy who would post an mspaint drawing of a happy lizard
>the doca legendary philosopher who's most base understandings transcended reality itself. he would often try to share his knowledge with us mere mortals but it was too much simple human minds to handle, that and he would occasionally post cool pictures of himself doing cool things.
>memeboi gangthe holy fail of discord cabals
>>Romaniathe joke tells itself
>faggthe id that killed the dukeposter until they later got the king id followed by the duke id sometime later