>>19994937ukraine's "sacrifice" meant nothing
the sociopathic bibilical-scale arrogance & hubris of the ukrainian people
will be a living message to all of mankind,
a 'warning' for anyone who wants to believe western-lies
the lunatic arrogance the ukraine displayed during this conflict
will result in a merciless tsunami of humiliation and memetic backlash.
the nation will dissolve,
the word: 'the ukraine' itself
will become a monument to the collossal arrogance of the most brain addled,
mis-informed and manipulated puppet in the history of statehood
the ukraine will become an 'un-marked grave' to the liberal world order
ukraine will be forgotten and buried, like the hundreds and thousands of men it pointlessly sent to their death
the fate of the ukraine is to be demilitarized, de-industrialized,
and turned into an effeminant rump-state that the eu will innudate with lgbtq propaganda,
inextricably tied to the meager and and inssufficient 'aide' to rebuild whatever is left of your country
after Russia is done smashing it