>>19998980Hello, I'm the king of hell. This isn't pasta, I am actually a trillionaire in hell, that's more money than you'll ever see in your life you ugly spic. I have been given divine authority from a wizard, this is a clock which appears in my mind, my IQ goes up! I get to be the smart boy I always knew I could be. Spiccy spic diarrhea face, I'm here to give you a gift! This gift is worth at least $666. You don't deserve this, if you did you wouldn't be my slave in hell now would you. WOULD you? Huh Mr Brown face. You'll need to break car windows and steal things. This will put you into a fear trance, you'll want to spend an hour in this trance every week. If you start crying, you've gone far enough! The benefits of this are noticable in hell, and will help you climb to new heights in hell buddy bud Mr boy. You'll need to be screaming in fear every day for this to work in hell. This will take the rest of your life. Hopefully you don't blink, you won't be given another gift this good for the next 10 minutes. It's all totally cool in hell, cop cars have 666 right on the side. Satan is so kind to us, and everything is on schedule.