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fatty problems

ID:ta7z58WE No.19999534 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>400lbs hamplanet femanon
>khv for reasons I need not explain
>figure I’ll try out tinder because why not
>no luck for ages and ages
>eventually meet this guy and get talking with him
>cute, funny, average build, similar interests as me
>near carbon copy of my music taste
>we end up going on a date to a nice restaurant
>he arrives and VISIBLY gets hard when he sees me
>date goes as normal
>he keeps ordering more food and encouraging me to eat it
>figure that he’s just being nice so I oblige
>we end up going back to his apartment
>watching a film with him on the couch
>he cuddles up to me
>starts caressing my belly
>I give him a weird look and he stops
>think nothing of it
>date over
>keep talking and end u arranging another date
>same premise, nice restaurant, tries to get me to eat as much as possible
>legitimately tries to feed me, like tries forcing food into my mouth
>I laugh it off, but I’m starting to get suspicions about him
>we go back to my place this time
>I ask him why he kept trying to feed me and feel my belly, etc
>he goes crimson red and stammers out how he has a fat fetish and is turned on by girls eating and gaining weight
>im super into him, so I act cool with it
>he thanks me for being relaxed about it, and says that I’m the first person to be like this when he tells them
>he left soon after
This was yesterday. We’ve still been talking and stuff, and I really like him because he’s cute and he likes the stuff I like, but I can’t help but feel as if the only reason he’s talking to me in the first place is because I’m an object of his fetishistic attraction. What do?