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When did you realize the earth isn’t a spinning ball?

No.20021621 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why weren’t we taught this in school?
>mass attracts mass via newton
>disproven 100 years later with new galaxy cluster identification with better telescopes, model was off by over 95%.
>imagine turning in a paper in school and being 5% correct and still saying it’s valid and applicable
>Michelson Morley ex disproves rotation of earth, throws out the aether to make it make sense in the 95% incorrect model provided by newton
>jew, Einstein arrives with relativity
>science turns into cult of religion overnight
>dark matter and dark energy, things that have never been proven, identified, measured, or observed, are introduced to make the 95% incorrect model make sense.
>read the last 3 bullet points again and hit yourself in the fucking face with a hammer if you think it’s in any way shape or form incorrect, science admits this
>cosmology is easily proven with aether, vastly closer sun and moon, admission of planets being shimmering light and not gaseous balls, firmament, and electrostatic magnetism.
>the earth is measurably flat, no rotation has ever been observed or proven, magnetism and electrostatics have been proven and suppressed by Jews, and the world is awakening to this in real time
It took me years to relearn physics and deprogram from the globe cult. How long did it take you?