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No.20023333 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be White American incel
>Browse /int/ every day
>Fags convince me that sex is the most important thing in life
>Decide to lose my virginity with the Japanese exchange student at my uni
>Solid 8/10 when she cleans herself, big ass and tits
>Single and friendless because she goes entire weeks without showering or bathing and wears dirty clothes that make her look homeless
>I'm her only friend and she isn't interested in dating
>Invite her over to my house to play vintage games
>Make sure she drinks tons of alcohol while she's there
>Gets drunk very quickly because she's a 5'2 lightweight
>Slip her roofies when she isn't looking
>When she passes out I strip her to fondle her body but she absolutely REEKS and body is brown with dirt
>Spend an hour scrubbing her in my tub, water literally runs black
>Finally lay her on her back to penetrate her
>Stick penis in, struggle to push it in
>Penis being bigger than her vaginal cavity is a major inconvenience
>Pop her hymen and she begins to bleed heavily
>Get grossed out and flip her over, penetrate asshole
>It's hairy and stinks and I get shit on my dick
>Can't bring myself to finish after her ass starts bleeding too
>Clean up the blood and drop her off at her flat
>Leave a note saying she got too drunk and blacked out at my place
>Hasn't been returning my calls or texts for hours
Bros, you told me this would be the defining moment of my life but I still feel like a chudcel. What gives?