>>2004664I've talked to two priest about September 23rd and they refuse to look at it. They are too busy dealing with everyday issues to be concerned verses one and two of Revelations 12.
Then there is the pol prediction.
They are pretty well convinced that the star gorging on clay was the eclipse August 23rd. And water dripping from the dragon was Houston. If you look at Mexico USA and Canada, Mexico is the tail with the gulf coast of the USA the belly. The dragons mouth is upper right the jaws of which are about to snap on Newfoundland. The wings of the dragon are Alaska and northern Canada. But since I'm thinking that the Statue of Liberty is a literal representation of the whore of Babylon then the dragon thing is not such a big stretch. Muh autism overflows as I nervously watch the central Atlantic Ocean. Either way it's seven years of interesting times until the second total eclipse cross the USA again in April 2024.