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Questions for Canadians

No.20071150 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I've been looking at videos and stuff about Canada, since I am thinking about possibly moving there after I finish studying because the Icelandic economy is still in a recovery state, I can't really be bothered to live here for the next few years.

So I have some questions:
What is the Canadian economy like, are there plenty of jobs? Is a foreign university degree worth something in Canada? I've seen stats and heard rumors that you have some of the best wages out there, can you easily pay for all of your basic expenses with a normal living wage working 8 hours a day? Because here in Iceland, it's kind of shit in that department at the moment, fucking banksters.

Which cities are the best? I understand most if not all of Canada is actually very safe, I would only want to be somewhere that is.

I have visited Toronto once, but I was 8 years old, but it was very nice.

How is British Columbia? Is it easy to somehow smoke weed there without it being illegal? Can you easily get away with smoking weed in many parts of Canada? That would be very nice, Iceland will decriminalize in may but it's very expensive and kind of risky as is, although not hard to come by. Is weed easy to come by in Canada? I recall hearing great things about BC bud.

How is the party scene in Canada? I know you have a great music scene, I like lots of bands from Canada.

I think I can handle the weather up there just fine, and I strongly suspect Canada's roads are better than ours, but how is public transport? Can you easily afford, and manage to transport yourself where you need to go?