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I been fired AMA

ID:nbACdsVT No.2009875 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i just been fired from my job of being a cleaner for a butchery for over a year and a half because i pissed off this skinny kiwi ginger faggot (one of the butchers) so much that he held a knife to my face autistically screeching that he's been taking too much shit at home or something like that.

>not the first time he did it
>he legit threatened resignation for me to get the sack
>got sacked because he makes the money and i just clean machines for 2 hours a day, 6 days a week for about $7 less than the hourly minimum wage (AusFag)
>we literally talk to each other like this, from holocaust jokes to basic banter
>my first ever job due to where i live is absolutely shit for its large unemployment rates and having one of the most highest percentages of unemployment and youth homelessness

ever got fired because your boss preferred to choose favourites?