The Bible was mistranslated doesn't mention God in the hebrew Bible anywhere. Elohim (plural term meaning the powerful ones) was translated into the western singular monotheistic "god".
Yahweh was just one space alien annunaki out of many that were fighting eachother for control and influence over humans. They genetically engineered humans, there are humans on many planets.
There were two opposing factions of elohim as described in the sumerian creation epic.
Enlil aka yahweh wanted to keep humans enslaved and ignorant, enki aka lucifer wanted humans to be free and intelligent. So the promethean figure rebelled against the other titans (elohim) and got man to eat from the tree of knowledge, blessing them with consciousness and intelligence. This is symbolized by the torch in mystery schools.
The creator god of the universe did not pwrsonally come here to talk to man. take your meds that makes no sense.
What makes perfect sense and is described in every cultures creation myth, is advanced sky people aliens coming and influencing humans.
We already see this process being done by humans when they bring "civilization" to remote uncontacted tribes, and these tribes start worshipping them as gods (see cargo cults)