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So now that the exodus is in full swing and the rise of the new /bizant/ine empire is imminent, let me give you /bant/ fags a quick rundown on the most notorious cryptocurrencies.>BITCOIN - BTC slow, expensive, transparent (not fungible), centralized af, surveillance tool. The narrative of bitcoin shifted from 'the peoples money', meant to be used everyday as regular money, to 'saving account' to 'generational wealth' to 'money for the wealthy' because rn making a single tx can bankrupt a poorfag. They cope by trying to spin their flaws as desirable traits that were carefully calculated decades ago. Pure madness at this point (satoshi pointed at these flaws, as work to be done, before disappearing).>ETHEREUM - ETH Take the problems of BTC and amplify them by 2. Not even worth talking about this dumpster fire.>LITECOIN - LTC fast, cheap, transparent (not fungible) cool little coin. easy to use and comfy af. WARNING! you will be traced.>MONERO - XMR fast, cheap, fungible probably the only cryptocurrency that has rightfully earned its own place in the market and arguably the only crypto being used as money. has been attacked more than any other cryptocurrency in every conceivable way and is still standing, unshaken. That is all. Every other project like chainlink, xrp, cardano, solana are solutions looking for a problem.
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>>20165416 Hon hon baguette
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>>20165416 Yeah, and let me give you /biz/raelites a QRD of Andy Sixx.
>Rothschilds and Bogdanoffs bow down to Andy Sixx >His anus is In contact with your lips >Possesses psychic-like abilities to brew you a unique log specific to your favorite tastes and textures >Controls your throat with an iron but fair sphincter >Direct descendants of the ancient royal log-line >Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Logdangrad will be be the first city) >Own 99% of shit-log research facilities on Earth >said to have 215+ LQ, such bowel movements on Earth have only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51 >Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented log-sharing capabilities >He owns Nano-log R&D labs around the world >You likely have Logdabots inside you right now >He learned fluent French in under a week, and then ordered everything off of the menu to create new European flavors of shit >Nation states entrust their log reserves with him. >In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. Eternal log slidding down your fucking throat Anonymous
>>20165477 all your coin are made in china from a cheap metal and you don't even know
>>20165494 Cope and seethe kike. Due to the oligodynamic effect, silver burns jew skin.
All cryptos are designed to be legally borrowed from cold wallets. The rugpulls is much easier that way, couple of clicks and the account funds are frozen.
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>>20165513 i have silver spoons, they are my grandma spoons. only baby boomers and boomers collect metals. get on with the times grandpa.
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What the fuck are you people even talking about
>>20165537 >couple of clicks and the account funds are frozen. do you even know how crypto works or you just made some assumptions in your head to relief the fear of rocks becoming irrelevant?
if you buy crypto and keep it in the exchange then you deserve to be robbed
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>>20165833 >if you buy crypto and keep it in the exchange then you deserve to be robbed STAB STAB STAB MUAHAHAHA BLOOD
>>20165537 Hey retard fag. You aren't supposed to keep your coins on a CEX. Not your keys not your crypto retarded nigger queer
Imagine FUDing Bitcoin in 2024
/biz/ empire more like 4troon rapefugees
>>20165889 >not your keys >not your coins As in not yours at all to begin with. Cold wallets are the first to be rehypothecated into commingled and decentralized funds, as the excuse is that idle wealth should be compounding.
Big kek
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>>20165899 what part of what i said about btc is false?
never said it doesn't have any use case at all because i'm sure as hell btc is a great speculation asset.
>>20165907 Good luck getting my crypto without the seed or private
>>20165970 Its not about me getting it, its about you not being able to access funds because of samuel bankmans and jews' excessive borrowing sprees out of cold wallets (legal rehypothecation). Happens all the time.
Crypto, the computer judaism, barely even qualifies as credit.
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>>20165985 Nigger brother you have NO idea how PGP encryption works
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>>20165903 this, don't let the street shitting kicked out of 109 boards scammers get near your money.
scams is all they talk, all they know, may as well be bots.
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>>20165985 do you even understand anything of what you are saying at all? none of it makes any sense.
tell us, what do you understand by 'cold wallet'
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>>20165985 Literal brain dead bantoid reusing the same arguments built on assumptions and lack of technical understanding.
>cope, seethe, dilate, 41%. Crypto is here to stay, both on this board and in the global markets. Anonymous
>nooo you dont understand how it works >so please buy into my ponzi scheme or else your stoopid There is no refutation against the truth. Crypto is you loaning money to jewish brokerage firms in return for numbers on a screen, a cold wallet and crypto on am exchange have zero intrinsic difference. Both are on ledgers which jewish administrators are obliged to use as collateral: legally via rehypothecation; the fractional reserve version for assets.
>>20166400 Yeah, you have brain damage and im sure you dont know how a cold wallet work and not even what it is.
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You forgot Solana memecoins, like CZ, which pump more than all the blue chips combined.
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>>20165899 Imagine still thinking BTC is useful to anyone but bankers in 2024.
>>20166400 Was it you that made your picrel or some other retard that has no clue what they are talking about?
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>>20168757 Kek baggie
>>20169859 >more insults, no refutation Kek at least you are aware that crypto is a kikes' means of theft
>>20165416 btc is the superior crypto. eth is a VC scam. ltc is a failed fork of btc. people only buy xmr to make online purchases (dark web or vpns) then trade back to cash or btc
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>>20175430 >btc is the superior crypto superior how, exactly?
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>>20175430 That like saying "moron" is superior to "idiot" or "
imbecile," while technology, what does it really mean?