>>20169542Lol, reminds me of when I was a child, pre school, I got a bit obsessd with Gravity's myself and my poor mother spent a ton of time explaining it to me.
I had tok many questions, and eventually we just recreated the falling of the apple on Newton's head and the Eureka moment which btw now I doubt it occurred as aledged... it was fun to play, sometimes I was Newton and an apple which was a small foam ball really would be thrown over my head, lol... but still let me wkth more questions than answers!
I had to move along because noone could answer them, I just had to try and fill in the blanks myself.
For one kt bothered me that noone before Newton aledgedly did not think much about it, I could immagine endless amount of people others never heard of sitting under trees wondering the exact same thing throughout time.